Ten Pieces of Advice for Aspiring Designers & Creative Entrepreneurs
We’re talking about everything from selling your graphic design expertise, to finding work life balance, to fostering a growth mindset.
10 Luxury Branding Secrets to Charge More for Your Business
How can you make your brand stand out so customers are willing to pay more? Get our ebook 10 luxury branding secrets for tips.
Branding & Rebranding Your Business: 5 Things You Should Know
Our top advice on how to decide if it’s time to rebrand your business and what you need to know about rebranding.
Branding Design: Should You Start a Pinterest Board?
A common branding question we get from clients is “should I start a Pinterest board?” Our answer… yes! But, with a caveat …
Picking Out Colors for your Brand
Curious to know how to find the perfect colors for your brand? Create a moodboard!
5-minute SEO fixes
I've seen a lot of websites that are missing 2 really important SEO items over the years. The crazy thing is, these two things only take 5 minutes to fix!
Sometimes we just don’t know what we don’t know! And it can make a big difference in helping the right people find our businesses.